
Kia Ora!
Ko Haylee toku ingoa.
My name is Haylee.
E 10 oku tau.
I'm 10 years old.

No Aotearoa ahau.
I am from New Zealand.
Ko Kayla rauko Mitchell taku teina.
My younger siblings are Kayla and Mitchell.
Ko au te tauira o Hato Hemi.
Iam a student of St James.

He mihi nui kia kouto katoa, tena kouto.
A big Hello to everyone.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Anitmoto of Participating and Contributing.

As part of the Church Strand we are learning about the Key Competency, Participating and Contributing. Showing this Key Competency helps us to be more like Jesus because we can carry out the Churches mission of service and share our gifts and talents with others. I used Animoto to present these photo's of people Participating and Contributing around St James school.

1 comment:

Madi said...

I like your animoto, your pictures are really good because they match the topic on participating and contributing.