Kia Ora! Hello! Ko Haylee toku ingoa. My name is Haylee. E 10 oku tau. I'm 10 years old. No Aotearoa ahau. I am from New Zealand. Ko Kayla rauko Mitchell taku teina. My younger siblings are Kayla and Mitchell. Ko au te tauira o Hato Hemi. Iam a student of St James. He mihi nui kia kouto katoa, tena kouto. A big Hello to everyone.
WALT: follow an inquiry process by listing all the places we can find information.
I am learning to follow an inquiry process. As part of this process I used Wordle to list all the places I can find all the information to answer my questions.
sUp HaYlEe
This really cool I liked your colours.
hi i like how it is nice and bright
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